Helpful Resources Below is an extensive list of resources from Clemson, other websites and books our members recommend. CLEMSON RESOURCES Complete List of Clemson HGIC Fact SheetsCooperative Extension ServiceHome and Garden Information CenterHobcaw Barony/The Belle Baruch FoundatationSC Smart Gardener Handbook BEEKEEPING SC Beekeepers Association (for members)Clemson Beekeepers Information PageBrining Up Bees in your BackyardMaking a Bee Friendly GardenToxic Pesticides to Avoid in Your GardenBee Saving Organizations BIRDS, BUTTERFLIES, WILDLIFE Create Certified HabitatSouth Carolina Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat ProgramSC Waterfowl AssociationWaccamaw National Wildlife Refuge BOOKS, MAGAZINES AND WEBSITES On Garden StyleBetter Homes and GardensDig It!Garden and GreenhouseGarden GateHorticultureSouthern Living Garden BookSouthern Living Garden Problem SolverGarden Rant BOTANY/PLANT IDENTIFICATION Carnivorous Plant DatabaseGallery of PlantsIntegrated Taxonomic Information SystemInternational Plant Names IndexNative and Naturalized Plants of the CarolinasPlant Fact Sheet (NC)Poisonous PlantsScott’s Botanical LinksWorldwide Flowering Plant Identification BUTTERFLY GARDENING Butterfly GardeningNorth American Butterfly Association COMPOSTING Compost GuideComposting at Home (EPA)How to CompostTurn Spoils into SoilsArt and Science of Backyard Composting DISEASES/DISORDERS Descriptions of Plant Viruses ENVIRONMENT Backyard Buffer for the SC LowcountryCarolina ClearGreen Teacher Education for Planet EarthNational Library for the EnvironmentUSDA Water Quality Information Center HUMMINGBIRDS HummingbirdsThe Hummingbird SocietyUsing Flowers to Attract HummingbirdsHerbs and Flowers for Hummingbirds SQUIRRELS Squirrel Facts